These crops occupy a large and diverse geographic area and constitute $546.8 million in farm gate value to the Commonwealth (2022).Įxtension responsibilities will focus on developing recommendations and delivery of timely technical training to county Extension agents, farmers (stakeholders), and crop advisors through a combination of applied research, print and electronic resources, face-to-face meetings, field days, and farm visits. The candidate will be expected to develop an innovative and vigorous regional, national and internationally recognized, externally funded Extension and research program focused on state-wide integrated pest management to mitigate insect losses in cotton, peanuts, grain crops, and soybeans. This position is eligible to be part of the Center for Advanced Innovation in Agriculture as well as contribute to Virginia’s Smart Farm Innovation Network. The successful candidate’s tenure home will be the Department of Entomology on the main campus ( ). This is a 12-month, tenure track faculty position, with an appointment of 50% Cooperative Extension (Virginia Cooperative Extension Service) 50% research (Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station).

The Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center (TAREC), in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at Virginia Tech, seeks an Assistant Professor in Entomology or a closely related field with state-wide crop responsibilities of cotton, peanuts, grain crops (corn, wheat and barley) and soybeans in Virginia.